2nd donation - £185

Since our last donation made in February, you all have spread the love and made this happen! Thanks to your purchases, posts and shares, we have raised another £185!! A total of £280 🙏🏽

Each tee sold donated £10, each pin badge donated £2.50 and each greeting card donated £1.00.

But our work here isn’t done. A huge fire broke out in the Rohingya camps in Bangladesh on 22nd March and the entire community is devastated. The refugee camp holds over a million Rohingya of which at least 80,000 live in the area where this fire has spread.

Your donations will provide whats needed most right now. Please visit Restless Being's website here and donate what you can. Even £5 will go a long way.

Thanks once again! You are khub fab 🌼💛

www.holudgolap.com 🌼

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